Monday, November 29, 2010

You may have to deal with the golden horde

Letter Re: A Veteran Policeman's Observations on The Golden Horde

By James Wesley, Rawles on November 30, 2010 6:41 PM

Napolitano Halts Shipment of Packages prelude to Civilian 'Shipper' ID Lockdown

Napolitano Halts Shipment of Packages from Japan as Prelude to Civilian 'Shipper' ID Lockdown

By Ken Adachi, Editor
November 27, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dried meat

Dried Meat, Food to Last

Mongolian food is rather simple and nourishing. Encounters with different cultures in the course of centuries long wandering across Europe and Asia did not affect the basic diet of nomads, comprising mainly of various combinations of meat and flour.

Life in a saddle, frequent moves in search of better pastures tending their herds prevented Mongols from developing a sophisticated cuisine.

But while Mongols failed to come up with a wide variety of dishes, they mastered what was available to perfection, especially when it comes to meat. There are dozens ways of cooking it: boiling, frying, drying, steaming or smoking.

Here we give a description of how borts (bour- tsi), or dried meat is made-- an ancient way of preserving meat through long harsh winters or marches across continents

As soon as the first cold winter days settle in early December, most Mongolian families set out to store meat reserve.

As a rule, one cow and up to seven to eight sheep are sufficient for a family of five to last through long and harsh winter, until diary products become more available during spring livestock breeding season.

Beef is the meat of choice, but each region has its own specifics. Herders in the Gobi Desert store mostly camel meat, while mountain tribes prefer to slaughter a yak or goats.

First, fresh meat is cut into long, 2- 3 cm thick and 5-7 cm wide strips, then hanged on a rope inside a gher, just under the ceiling where air circulates freely.

Within a month, the meat dries up. Once all the moisture evaporates, meat strips turn into hard, wood-like sticks of a slightly brownish color. The stripped and dried meat of one cow shrinks enough to be easily fit into the animal's stomach.

When the borts is ready, it is taken down and either broken into small pieces, 5-7cm long or minced. The borts is put into a bag made of canvas that allows airflow in and out. Borts can be kept in such bags for months and even years without losing the qualities of meat.

Dried meat is an ideal food for travelers. On long marches, Mongols simply take out a stick of dried meat, powder it and add to boiling water to make a cup of fresh and nourishing bouillon. Even nowadays, many Mongols take a small bag of borts when traveling to faraway places for study or to live.

"I survived the wet and cold winter only by making a cup of borts soup once in a while," says a Mongolian journalist, after spending six months on the Atlantic shore of England.

page 90 Wilderness Cookery by Bradford Angier
Meat is the one complete food. Plump fresh meat is the single food known to mankind that contains every nutritional ingredient necessary for good health. It is entirely possible for man to live on meat alone. No particular parts need be eaten. Fat juicy sirloins, if you prefer, will supply you with all the food necessary for top robustness even if you eat nothing else for a week, a month or a decade.
Every animal in the far and near reaches of this continent, every fish that swims in our lakes and rivers and streams is good to eat. Nearly every part of North American animals is edible, even the somewhat bland antlers that are not bad roasted when in velvet, to the bitterish gall that has an occasional use as seasoning. The single exception is the liver of the polar bear, and of the ringed and bearded seal, which at certain times become so rich in Vitamin A that it is well avoided. Juicy fricasseess, succulent stews and sizzling roasts are fine fare.
If anything, most of us would be happy eating more of this ideal grub which contains all the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients necessary for full vigor. One way to acomplish this? By not passing up the birds and small game which are freely available to many of us thoughout the entire year and which if not eaten will only be wasted.

from Wilderness Cookery by Bradford Angier
Drying is the simplest way to preserve meat. Cut with the grain. Cut lean deer, moose,elk, caribou, beef and similar red meat in long strips 1/2 inch thick. Hang strips not touching on bushes, etc. Lay on sunwarmed rocks. Turn every hour os so. Smoke from a small fire of non-resinous wood keeps flies away. Season to taste with salt, pepper, thyme. oregano etc. Dry meat until hard, blackish., leathery. Jerky keeps indefinitely if kept dry and away from insects. Trim visible fat for long storage. Jerky alone lacks sufficient necessary fat for the long-term. Supplement it with fats.

from Arctic Manual by Vilhjalmuir Steffansson
On a diet of straight meat (and fish), cut fat and lean into inch cubes. Eat one fat, one lean. When fat no longer tastes good, eat just lean until you are full. If fat makes you nauseous you are eating too much of it. The Eskimos he saw were a strong, healthy race and they subsisted on a diet which consisted largely of meat and animal and marine fat. The fat included large quantities of whale blubber. Yes the Eskimo did not suffer from obesity. If meat needs carbohydrate and other vegetable additions to make it wholesome then the poor Eskimo were not eating healthfully .. they should have been in a wretched sate. On the contrary, they seems to me the healthiest people I had lived with."

Farming for Self-Sufficiency John & Sally Seymour page 117
Biltong is salted and dried strips of buck meat or beef and it is almost worshipped by South Afrikans. Living in the back-veld of South West Afrika, as I used to do, biltong formed an important part of my diet. If I shot a gemsbok or a kudu I would turn a very large part of it into biltong. I have made it in Wales since then, in fact I made some last year, out of beef,
and it has been perfectly successful. The only drawback is you need prime cuts really; biltong made from odd bits of scrag end is not really much good.
But this is the way you do it. Cut lean meat up in strips, say an inch square but the longer the better, along the grain or fibre, of the meat. This is most important: do not cut it across the grain. Lay it in dry salt for six hours. Wash the salt off it and hang it - if in southern Afrika in the dry season - in the shade but in the breeze - if in the British Isles in the chimney. I leave mine in the chimney, in light smoke, for say three days, take it down, hang it up in the kitchen, and it is perfect biltong. It is as hard as hickory. To eat it you just pare or shred little shavings off the end of it across the grain with your Joseph Roger 'Lambsfoot' knife (old back-velders will know what I mean), put it on bread and butter, and it is delicious.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

40 reasons for gun control

40 Reasons For Gun Control

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Prepare to become a criminal
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Prepare To Become A "Criminal"...

Even though most of us already commit "three felonies per day", our "representatives" in CONgress seek to make a whole bunch more of us "criminals" for the dastardly deed of producing, trading, and consuming our own food...

BREAKING: Senate votes cloture on S 510 – must now be voted on in 60 days

By Rady Ananda
Food Freedom

By a vote of 74 to 25, at noon today, the U.S. Senate voted for cloture on S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, which means it must now be voted on in the full Senate within 60 days. All amendments to the controversial food control bill must be completed by that time.

One of S 510′s supporters, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, opposed cloture because modifications to the bill do not reflect its original intent, he said on C-SPAN. Chambliss fully supports giving the FDA more power over the US food supply, but is unhappy with the Manager’s Amendment submitted in August.

He objects to the small farm exclusion on the grounds that the $500,000 annual gross revenue limit is an arbitrary number that is too quickly reached by small farms. He called for numerous amendments to the bill as it appears today...

I highly recommend y'all follow the rabbit hole, read the whole article, and follow the links as well. These cockroaches want to make home food production "illegal", once again in the name of "safety". Well "safety" is bullshit. What this really represents is yet another federal power grab, and even further erosion of our Liberty. "To what end?" we must ask ourselves. I can draw no other conclusion than they want to completely dominate every single aspect of our daily lives. And no, I don't expect the newly (s)elected Repugnicunts to make a damn bit of difference...

Those bastards are just as power hungry as the Dimocraps, just as crooked, and just as evil. They can all burn in hell as far as I'm concerned. And if they pass this abomination, I will be pleased as punch to send them and their minions straight there when they come to shut down my garden! Or anyone else's for that matter. Because that is truly the final straw. Removing the right to one's own food selection and production is the ultimate affront to basic survival, and I'll be God damned if I'll allow myself to be prevented from growing my own food. I do not consider this to be taking the Lord's name in vain, because God rightfully should damn anyone so cowardly, so pussified, as to submit to this outright atrocity! Passage of this piece of Stalinist shit should be met with the wholesale tilling of yards, and planting of non hybrid seeds, along with armed resistance to government interlopers who would try to stop us from growing our own food.

Any SS prick who attempts to stop me from growing my own food will be shot on sight, because I will consider his actions an immediate threat to my life and well being. You government fucks think we're pissed off about the TSA, just try and take our tomatoes... I got a Mosin Nagant 91/30, an M44, a Mossberg 12 gauge, a Heritage .22 revolver, and by God, I know how to use them. I ain't fuckin' playin'...

Posted by Mayberry at 7:07 PM 13 comments Links to this post

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thought Crime USA
here is the video
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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Are you as smart as a second grader?

It's a little 'test' that is (supposedly) part of a second grade Computer class in China . Some figure it out right away. Others report having to work on it for a week (or more) to solve it. Have fun and don't forget to forward to all your friends and drive them nuts.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

feed store grains
The Survivalist Blog

Is feed grain safe for human consumption?
by M.D. Creekmore on Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Could your food storage make you sick or even kill you?

It seems there has been some confusion about the safety of grain from the feed and seed store. Sure it is readily available and cheap but is it safe to eat? After all what good is having five hundred pounds of whole grains, if you end up dead from aflatoxin poisoning (a type of fungal mycotoxin) or other nasty?

Is feed grain safe for human consumption? That depends on how it was processed and stored before reaching the consumer (you). I buy most of my wheat and corn from the local farmers co-op and having eaten this stuff for years, have never been made sick or obliviously killed from it’s ingestion.

Seed grain vs feed grain

My number one rule is never buy “seed” grain, seed grain is often treated with insecticides and fungicides. Don’t buy seed grain if you intend to eat it! It is not intended to be eaten but planted. I use only untreated whole grains sold as animal “feed” that was meant to be eaten.

Field run

Look for “field run grain” not only is it cheaper because of fewer processing steps it is also less likely to be infected with mold or contaminated by other things that could make it unsuitable for human consumption.

Field run will have dirt and detritus that will need to be removed before use, but this is no big deal. I clean all of my grains before use anyway and buying it this way insures I get the best possible price. As with anything the more processing before reaching the consumer, the higher its price will to be.


First sort the grain by laying it out on a clean surface and pick out any chunks of dirt, rocks or darker grain, after sorting you need to wash the grain. Place the grain on a sifter or screen and pour clean water over it until the water coming out the bottom is as clean as that being poured in from the top.


Set it aside for about ten minutes, after it stops dripping spread it out on a cookie sheet about ¼ inch deep, preheat the oven to two hundred degrees and put the grain in to dry, which usually takes about an hour, if drying takes longer then an hour that’s fine, just keep watch that it so doesn’t burn.

Or you can dry the grain outside under the sun, this is better and cheaper but is dependent on the weather and time of day and year. Just spread the grain out in a thin layer on newspaper or other suitable material in direct sunlight. A solar oven could also be used, but I have never tried this method myself.

Grind and use as normal.

Don’t be afraid to stock up and use grains from the feed store or farmers co-op, with a little precaution and common sense such grains are as safe or safer than the “foods” you get from the local supermarket.

And at this point, we open the floor to comments. If you have any further tips, share’em so we can all learn together!
Keep surviving.

Survival 101
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Related Articles
1. Don’t Buy a Grain Mill Without Reading This!
2. What You Should Know About Wheat
3. My Corona Grain Mill And Homemade Sifter
4. Resources For Storing Bulk Grain
5. Cleaning wheat

Thursday, November 4, 2010

There is no place to go

After America, There Is No Place To Go + video
Wednesday, November 3, 2010 9:12 PM
*After America, There Is No Place To Go*
By Kitty Werthmann